Oracle Database: In-Depth Guide & FAQs (Simple, Clear and Includes “FAQs”)

What is Oracle Database?

Oracle Database is a powerful, multi-model database management system developed by Oracle Corporation. It’s known for its ability to handle large amounts of data and support for a wide range of data types, including structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data. Oracle DB is highly scalable, secure, and reliable, often used in enterprise environments to store and manage mission-critical applications. Key features include advanced security, high availability, and support for complex queries, making it popular for OLTP (Online Transaction Processing) and OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) systems. This article discusses Oracle platform in depth including FAQs.

How Does Oracle Database Work?

An Oracle database operates by storing data in a structured format using tables with rows and columns, accessible through SQL (Structured Query Language) for data manipulation. It utilizes a system of logical and physical storage structures, where data is organized into tablespaces, segments, and extents it allows for efficient retrieval and management of large datasets, all managed by a database instance that runs background processes to handle data access and updates; essentially acting as a central hub for data storage and retrieval within an application environment.

Features Offered by Oracle Database:

Data Organization:

Data is organized into tables with rows (records) and columns (attributes), like a spreadsheet, enabling easy data relationships and querying.

SQL Interface:

Users interact with the database using SQL commands to create, read, update, and delete data.

Logical and Physical Storage:

  • Logical Structures: Tables, indexes, views – how users perceive data organization.
  • Physical Structures: Datafiles, tablespaces, segments, extents – where data is physically stored on disk

Database Instance:

A running process that manages data access, including memory allocation (System Global Area – SGA) and background processes.


Oracle’s proprietary programming language that extends SQL capabilities for more complex data manipulation and logic.

How Data is Accessed in Oracle:

  • 1. Client Application:
  • An application (like a web application) sends an SQL query to the Oracle database server.
  • 2. Listener Process:
  • The listener process on the server receives the query and directs it to the appropriate database instance.
  • 3. Database Instance:
  • The instance parses the query, accesses the relevant data from the storage, and executes the operation.
  • 4. Result Set:
  • The processed data is returned to the client application as a result set.
  • Key Components of an Oracle Database:
  • Datafiles: Physical files on disk where data is stored.
  • Control Files: Files that store metadata about the database, including tablespace locations.
  • Redo Log Files: Files that record changes made to the database to ensure data consistency in case of crashes.
  • Tablespaces: Logical storage units that group related data segments.
  • Segments: Collections of extents that belong to a specific database object (like a table).
  • Extents: Basic units of data allocation within a tablespace.

How to Access Oracle Database?

You can access Oracle Database in several ways:

  • Oracle SQL Developer: A free, integrated development environment for working with Oracle Databases.
  • Oracle SQL*Plus: A command-line tool for running SQL queries and scripts.
  • Third-Party Tools: Tools like Toad for Oracle or Tableau Prep also support connecting to Oracle.
  • APIs and Libraries: For programming languages like Python or Java, you can use libraries like cx_Oracle and JDBC to connect programmatically

What Databases Run on Oracle Cloud?

Oracle Cloud supports several databases, including:

  • Oracle Exadata Cloud Service: A managed database service that runs in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.
  • Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database: A managed database service that runs in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.
  • Oracle Database Cloud Service: A managed database service that runs in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.
  • Oracle Autonomous Database: A self-driving database that uses machine learning and automation to manage database tasks
  • Oracle MySQL Cloud Service: An open-source database service that provides a secure and cost-effective MySQL database service
  • Oracle Database license-included software editions: The Standard Edition, Enterprise Edition, Enterprise Edition High Performance, and Enterprise Edition Extreme Performance are all supported and optimized for the cloud.

How to Create a Database User in Oracle?

  • 1. To create a database user in Oracle, follow these steps:
  • Connect to the database as a user with administrative privileges (e.g., SYSTEM).
  • 2. Use the CREATE USER statement to create a new user. For example:
  • CREATE USER new_username IDENTIFIED BY password;
  • 3. Grant the necessary privileges to the user. For example:
  • GRANT CONNECT, RESOURCE TO new_username;
  • Note: Make sure to replace new_username and password with your desired username and password. Always double-check your commands before executing them.

How to Check Oracle Database Version?

To check the version of an Oracle database, you can use Oracle Enterprise Manager, SQLPlus, or a database studio.

Using Oracle Enterprise Manager:

  1. Open Oracle Enterprise Manager.
  2. Log in to the database.
  3. 3Go to Instance > Configuration.
  4. The database version is listed as “DB Version.”

Using SQLPlus:

  1. Log in to the database using SQLPlus.
  2. In the command prompt, execute the query select version_full from v$instance.
  3. The result will show the full version of the Oracle Database.

Using a Database Studio:

  1. Open the database studio.
  2. Select Database > New Connection.
  3. Enter the connection details and click Test Connection.
  4. The version will be displayed in the pop-up window.

How to Connect to Oracle Database?

To connect to an Oracle database, you can use Oracle SQL Developer. You’ll need to provide the database name, username, and password. Do the following steps:

  • 1. Open Oracle SQL Developer
  • 2. Right-click Connections.
  • 3. Select New Connection.
  • 4. Enter the following information in the New/Select Database Connection dialog box:
    • a. Connection name: A name for the connection
    • b. Username: The username for the connection
    • c. Password: The password for the connection
    • d. Hostname: The name or address of the database
    • e. Port: The port number where the database listens for requests
    • f. SID (Service Identifier): The name of the database
  • 5. Click Test.
  • 6. If the test is successful, click Connect.

How to Unlock Database User in Oracle?

  • 1. To unlock a database user in Oracle, you can use the following SQL command in SQL*Plus after logging in as a user with the required privileges (like SYSDBA):
  • 2. Replace username with the name of the user you wish to unlock. You may also want to check the account status before unlocking, which can be done with:
  • SELECT USERNAME, ACCOUNT_STATUS FROM dba_users WHERE username=’username’;
  • Note: It’s important to verify the user’s account status and be careful when executing commands that affect user access.

What is a Listener in Oracle Database?

Oracle listeners are network services that act as the initial point of contact for client applications, receiving connection requests and directing them to the appropriate database server. They listen on a specific network port, allowing clients to establish connections without knowing the database server details.

How to Connect to an Oracle Database?

To connect to an Oracle database, you can use Oracle SQL Developer or Oracle Instant Client. You’ll need to provide the database name, username, password, and host name.

Using Oracle SQL Developer:

  1. Right-click Connections.
  2. Select New Connection.
  3. Enter the Connection name, Username, and Password.
  4. Enter the database name in the Host string field.
  5. Click Connect.

Using Oracle Instant Client:

  • Use Oracle Instant Client to develop and deploy applications that connect to Oracle Database.

Connecting remotely:

  1. To connect remotely, you can use Oracle SQL Developer.
  2. In the New SSH Host dialog, enter the IP address of your database deployment.
  3. Check Use key file and browse for your private SSH key file.
  4. Click OK.

How to Create a Directory in Oracle Database?

In Oracle Database, you can create a directory object to reference a physical directory on the file system. The directory object is used for tasks like loading and unloading data files (e.g., with SQL*Loader or external tables). Here’s how to create a directory in Oracle:

  • 1. Create a directory on the file system: Ensure that the directory exists on the server where the Oracle Database is running. For example, create a directory on the server file system, such as /u01/app/oracle/data_files.
  • 2. Create a Directory Object in Oracle: After the directory exists on the file system, you can create a directory object in the database that points to it.
  • CREATE DIRECTORY my_directory AS ‘/u01/app/oracle/data_files’;
  • In this example, my_directory is the name of the directory object in Oracle, and /u01/app/oracle/data_files are the actual path on the server.
  • 3. Grant Permissions: You’ll need to grant appropriate permissions to the user or role that will access the directory.
  • GRANT READ, WRITE ON DIRECTORY my_directory TO your_user;

How to Drop the Database in Oracle?

To drop a database in Oracle, follow these steps:

  • 1. Shutdown the database:
  • export ORACLE_SID=your_database_name
  • sqlplus / as sysdba
  • 2. Then execute:
  • 3. Start the database in mount mode:
  • 4. Use the DROP DATABASE command:

What is Oracle Database?

Oracle Database is used for managing and organizing large volumes of data in a structured manner. It’s designed for high performance, scalability, and reliability, making it ideal for mission-critical applications. Organizations rely on Oracle for tasks such as transaction management, data warehousing, and analytics. Industries like finance, healthcare, retail, and government use Oracle to store and manage critical business information.

How is Data Stored in Oracle Database?

In Oracle Database, data is stored in tables, which are organized into schemas. Each schema contains tables, views, indexes, and other database objects. Data is stored in rows and columns, with each column representing an attribute and each row representing a record. The database employs efficient data management techniques, including partitioning and clustering, to handle large-scale data and improve performance.

How to Find the Database Name in Oracle SQL Developer?

To find the database name in Oracle SQL Developer, you can use the following SQL command:

  • SELECT name FROM v$database;
  • This query will return the name of the connected database.

How to Purge Data in Oracle Database?

Purging data in Oracle Database is typically done using SQL commands such as DELETE or TRUNCATE. The DELETE command removes specific rows, while TRUNCATE removes all rows in a table. For purging large amounts of old or irrelevant data, you can also use Oracle’s “purge” functionality for managing recycling bin entries.

How to See Oracle Database Version?

To check the version of your Oracle Database, run the following SQL query:

  • SELECT * FROM v$version;
  • This will return detailed information about the version of Oracle Database you’re running.

What is a Package in Oracle Database?

A package in Oracle Database is a collection of related procedures, functions, and other program units grouped together as a single unit. Packages help improve modularity and code reusability. They consist of two parts: the specification (declaring the public interface) and the body (containing the implementation of the functions and procedures).

Can Power BI Connect to Oracle Database?

Yes, Power BI can connect to Oracle Database. Power BI provides built-in connectors to various databases, including Oracle. To connect Power BI to an Oracle Database, you need to configure the Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP.NET) and provide connection details like the server’s name, database name, and credentials.

Can Python Connect to Oracle Database?

Yes, Python can connect to an Oracle Database using libraries such as cx_Oracle. This library allows Python developers to interact with Oracle Database and execute SQL queries directly from Python scripts. You will need to install cx_Oracle and configure the appropriate environment settings to establish a connection.

Does Azure Support Oracle Database?

Yes, Microsoft Azure supports Oracle Database. Azure provides multiple solutions to host Oracle Database instances, including Oracle Database on Azure Virtual Machines and Oracle Autonomous Database on Oracle Cloud. Azure also offers integrations with other services, like Power BI, to work seamlessly with Oracle data.

Does Salesforce Use Oracle Database?

Salesforce primarily relies on its own cloud-based infrastructure, but some integrations with Oracle Database are possible. Salesforce users can connect with Oracle Database to synchronize data or integrate with back-end systems that rely on Oracle. However, Salesforce’s native platform does not use Oracle Database for its core services.

Does SAP Use Oracle Database?

Yes, SAP supports Oracle Database as one of its primary database management systems. SAP applications like SAP S/4HANA can be deployed on Oracle Database for data management and transactional purposes. Oracle Database is a popular choice for running enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems due to its reliability and scalability.

How Does SQL Developer Connect to Oracle Database?

SQL Developer connects to Oracle Database using JDBC drivers. After installing SQL Developer, you simply need to configure a new database connection by specifying the hostname, port, SID (or service name), and your login credentials. Once connected, you can execute SQL queries, manage database objects, and perform various administrative tasks.

How to Audit Oracle Database?

Oracle Database provides extensive auditing capabilities through the Oracle Auditing feature. You can enable auditing at various levels (e.g., by user, action, or object) to track database activity. Auditing helps in compliance and security monitoring by capturing information about SQL commands, login attempts, and system operations.

How to Backup and Restore Oracle Database?

Oracle Database provides multiple methods for backing up and restoring data, including:

  1. RMAN (Recovery Manager): A powerful tool for performing full and incremental backups, as well as recovering the database.
  2. Data Pump Export/Import: Used for logical backups and restores of database schemas or tables.
  3. Cold Backups: A manual backup method where the database is shut down before copying files.

Additional Tools and Resources for Oracle Database:

  1. TOAD for Oracle: A popular third-party tool for database administration, query writing, and performance tuning.
  2. Oracle Database Client: A software package used to connect to and manage Oracle Databases.
  3. Azure Oracle Database: Managed Oracle Database solutions on Microsoft Azure.
  4. Oracle Vector Database: A specialized database designed for handling vector-based data like machine learning models.


Oracle Database continues to be a cornerstone in data management, offering powerful features for storing, retrieving, and securing business-critical data. From connecting to Oracle using tools like SQL Developer and Power BI, to learning database administration and performing backups, mastering Oracle Database can be incredibly valuable for professionals in database management, software development, and data analytics. Whether you’re managing large-scale enterprise applications or developing machine learning models, Oracle’s extensive capabilities make it a top choice for database solutions.


  1. Database Documentation – Database Cloud Services
  3. Determine which release version of Oracle is installed for DLP
  4. SQL*Plus to Unlock Accounts and Reset Passwords
  5. Database Documentation – Database Documentation
  6. SQL Developer | Oracle
  7. Oracle database management software | Toad for Oracle
  8. Introduction to Auditing
  9. Cloud Infrastructure | Oracle
  10. Oracle for Developers | Programming Languages, Tools, Community
  11. Oracle Architecture – GeeksforGeeks

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