Why a Dedicated Server is Your Best Choice for Gaming


Remember your previous gaming experience, when you were a step away from a higher ranking? Let me tell you about mine. It was a usual PUBG match, and I was killing it! Suddenly, the ping is unstable, everything’s lagging, my screen is frozen! Alright, you know how it went from there. Frustration is at a … Read more

5 Reasons Bare Metal Dedicated Server is Right for You


Finding the proper and best-dedicated server provider for your website can be challenging, let alone running the business itself! Yet, it is inevitable and one of the most decisive choices you need to make. After all, you don’t want that much investment of yours to go to waste, do you? What to consider for a … Read more

What are the major types of cloud computing?

Major three types of cloud computing

Were you constantly frustrated with how often physical backups failed as we did? We can now upload everything to the Cloud. Good riddance!

Cloud computing allows large-scale storage for databases, hosting websites, or applications. It can also be a service that hosting providers offer to companies looking to expand their business.

Additionally, cloud computing makes it easier for companies to make their business more accessible for their clients and employees.

How to Install PHP on Ubuntu 20.04? Step-by-step Easy Guide

Tutorial cover photo

PHP is a simple, secure, flexible, and efficient open-source language. Standing for PHP Hypertext Preprocessor, it is the most used programming language worldwide. Able to integrate into HTML, PHP handles the connection between your web pages and databases. After installing Apache as a web server, and MySQL as a database system. The scripting language, PHP, will process … Read more

How to Install MySQL on Ubuntu? The Proven 2021 guide

How to install MySQL on Ubuntu blog cover

We all know by now that MySQL stands out as a competent database for TOO MANY projects! Regardless of your business size, MySQL can deliver unmatched performance at the lowest prices. Consequently, it is the most popular open-source database globally, a more reason for learning how to install MySQL. Additionally, it is commonly installed as part of … Read more

How to Install Apache on Ubuntu? The Comprehensive Guide

How to install Apache on Ubuntu

According to the Apache software foundation that was established in 1999 based on individual donations and corporate sponsors, Apache is open-source software that runs on 67% of the world’s web servers.

Able to meet the needs of many with reliable security and incredible speed, Apache became the most extensively used web server around the world.

Additionally, Apache is used by the majority of WordPress hosting providers to freely turn computers into HTTP servers so people can request them as websites over the internet.

MySQL: the most popular open-source database

MySQL: the most popular open-source database system

No matter how big or small your organization might be, it still needs that data collection in a database, to ensure smooth access, retrieval, and business data management.

Let’s have a closer look at the history & origins for the most popular open-source database system worldwide, MySQL.

Benefits & Use Cases of Cloud Object Storage

ServerHub article for the benefits & Use Cases of Cloud Object Storage

Object Storage is unique method of data management used mostly for Big Data. It is one of the most heavily relied on methods of storage in the Cloud Virtual Private Server (VPS) sector. Cloud Object Storage is mostly used by start-ups and corporations aiming to scale their businesses through time or by huge conglomerates with … Read more